How to Make a Sales Pitch in Commercial Real Estate

In commercial real estate, you will make various presentations, in various circumstances. Most of them are commercial in nature and focus on the needs of the tenant, buyer or seller of the property.

Access the fundamental issues

Each of these groups has unique ownership requirements and points of focus. It is their needs that should be clearly identified and addressed in the sales pitch or presentation. Many successful commercial real estate agents will have a preliminary meeting with the client or client so they can identify key issues and concerns. This allows the sales agent to get back to the client within days with a well-structured proposal that meets the client’s needs.

It’s about THEM, not YOU!

When designing a commercial property or investment proposal to present, the document should be 90% related to the property and the client. You will often see this rule ignored or violated, as much of the proposal document is about agency and staff.

The real estate transaction is rarely a simple matter of the rental of the property, the price of the property or the physical elements of the property. In most situations, it is the combination of these things that must satisfy a basic equation of need that the client or client has. By leading them to this basic need, you will identify an element of pain the client is experiencing. That’s what you focus on.

they are experienced

Interestingly, many commercial real estate clients and clients are reasonably comfortable in commercial negotiation circumstances. This means that they may not give you an overview or all the elements of a transaction until they are ready. The conversation and connection in the introduction process should be customer or customer oriented using well-chosen questions that allow the agent to interpret the body language coming from the customer’s response.

When you think you have identified the element of customer pain related to the real estate transaction, you begin to amplify the problem in today’s market conditions, and then you come up with stable and logical solutions that your real estate agency business can provide to customer. Invariably, the commercial real estate transaction in today’s market focuses on financial matters such as:

High vacancy factors
Other ownership options and possibilities are available
Poorly performing leases
Unstable cash
Unstable maintenance mix
tenant dispute
Increased building operating costs
A demographic shift that exposes property to an unstable future
Mortgage payment pressures
asset age
Reform or expansion needs
Competing properties driving tenants away from the property in question
This type of information and interpretation requires your intimate knowledge of the local area. This is both by property type and by location. It is the highest value you bring to the client or customer. Being able to clearly define local market knowledge is a tremendous asset in any commercial real estate presentation or sales pitch. It should be seen as the most informed solution to the problem.

By experiment

After many years working exclusively in the commercial real estate industry, I discovered that my unique skill set was knowing the market and flaunting it in any formal presentation to a client. Being able to speak about market trends and financial performance in a loud and solid manner will help the client understand that they need your services. Combining this with its extensive and relevant query database, it clearly shows the customer that they need it.

A good real estate business presentation is a function and balance of many things. Things like:

A well-established pre-planning process is a strategic advantage for any commercial real estate file. Strategy is everything in commercial real estate. Every property presentation requires planning.
Make sure you ask the right questions of the customer or prospect. Plan your questions related to the property in question so that they help the client think about the opportunity and possible changes.


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